Oxygen Provider in Crystal Divers
One afternoon in Crystal Diver when our Dive Master – Alex; Dive Master Trainee – Gael and Robin; Interns – Eri, Wulan and Imam; and our new Instructor – Tony and Milan; gathered in the class room to listen about oxygen provider lesson. Some of us already certified as oxygen Provider but it doesn’t mean we don’t need to refresh our skills for these lessons. We still need to practice more and more so we can be confident if something happened in the future.
Else taught us about Oxygen Provider while Taka was teaching the AI course for Yaiko and of course Mari with her Dive Master Course. We were not only set up the oxygen normally but we need to set up it blindly. It is because if emergency happened, it would not be in the calm situation so we need to handle any kind of situation that can be happened in the future. I can tell you that afternoon all of us did a good job for setting up the oxygen.
Thanks for the lesson and bandana Else!! And of course congratulation to ALEX and GAEL for their Oxygen Provider Certified 😉 If you want to join us like that fine afternoon, just come to crystal divers and join our course here!
Shark Conservation
Crystal Divers had a massive push to support Project Aware in Shark Conservation petition; in total we collected over 1000 signatures! An enormous thankyou to all of our staff, interns, divemaster trainees and IDC candidates for making a huge effort to help Project Aware to protect our Sharks, but our efforts do not end there! Please follow the link to www.projectaware.org to see how you can help to have more Shark species protected, or come and join us at Crystal and sign our petition!