How far are you prepared to go to become a PADI instructor and Live the dream as a Dive professional ?
How far are you prepared to go to become a PADI instructor and Live the dream as a Dive professional ?
Daily Challenge in the Big Buddy house competition, Today the Candidates where challenged to a treasure hunt for very random items. They were divided into 2 teams and had 5 minutes to plan where to find all the things they needed to find to win the challenge.
These are the items that each team had to find to accomplish the task and WIN the challenge.
Find each item on the list:
E-mail a group photo of your group to:
Team Minni Lovers AA Team
1 Saron 1 red shoe
1 offering
10 cigarette buts
3 different flowers
1 acceptable drawing of rescue exercise 7
1 tourist
1 dictionary
1 hut/hat
1 newspaper from today1 Padi flag
1 tooth brush
1 item from Robin
1 cake
Sea weed
Something with the Indonesian flag on.
1 Padi pen
These had to be represented to the Judges Minni Vangsgaard and Robin Bylynd.
After about 20 minutes the Teams had all they needed but ONE item….. funny enough that item was a “PADI pen” so it all came down to how much they wanted the PADI pen to win the competition. Minni sat with a bunch of them and bids came in from various teams on how much they would pay or what they would do to get one of the PADI PENS she had in her possession but she didn’t let of of her PADI PENS. Eople ran around like headless chickens desperately looking for the “golden Pen” the PADI pen.
GRRRRR where is the PADI PEN ?? I bet i can get it from the PADI RM
It went so far that they tried to contact on of the examiners and the PADI regional manager to get a hold of a PEN …. Without success after 30 minutes and people driving around to various centers and various places to find the PADI PEN both teams made a smart move making their way to our Platinum course director Minnis house to find one there. However the Spanish not as polite as the English or maybe not as smart don’t know you be the judges of that. But the Minni lovers team was the most bold one they barged in the house and managed to find a PADI PEN which made them win the challenge. Very well done Mini Lovers !!!
Today’s candidates have finished ALL Theory curriculum all that is left is some pool and open water practice and then the IE starts on Friday and you can see the determination in the candidates eyes SOON we will be instructors and then we will head of on a few days MSDT.
Well done Teams and well done by Master mind planning the schedule
8 IDC Candidates & 8 peoples lives that is about to change Forever !!
Latest update from the ongoing IDC here at GoPRobali with Crystal Divers Bali.
There has been a few hectic days on the IDC but i am sure we all agree on that we all having a good time.
We have managed to get ahead of our schedule due to ambitious candidates and master planning from the Course director Minni Vangsgaard. Exams been done on a daily basis, class room presentations becoming better and better and the candidates can start seeing the progress they have made in such a short time. Presentations scores are high exam score getting higher and the confidence is now growing by the minute. However they need to think about what they are saying some times, “Is everyone turned on ??” “just stick it in” does this sound like something you should be saying in the class room ? not really right ? haha
The Big Buddy House challenge keeps going on and making us all to have a loud laugh every now and then specially with the secret hand signals they incorporate in the pool presentations. The competition has even out and turned. The Big Buddy team “minni Lovers” has caught up with the dominating AA Team. Minni Lovers has now gone past the A Team and is leading the competition. Time for the AA team to pick it up.
The last few challenges has been very tight but then the slow starters “Minni Lovers” picked up the pace this is how they caught up with the AA team.
They had a challenge where the Team had to swim as many lanes Underwater as possible as a team effort AA Team Crushed the minni Lovers with 11 lanes against 8. And i think Minni Lovers got pist of since they were way behind the Dominating AA team.
The day after in the evening it was raining and thundering heavy so we decided to do a POKER/PIZZA/BEER night and after AA team was picked of one by one by the Minni Lovers and the JOKER (IDC staff instructor Robin) It finally came down to 2 persons left on the table the JOKER and Danielle from the Minni lovers Team. The JOKER tried a full on Bluff and went all in Danielle was quick to call and it turned out she has pretty good hand which gave her the WIN of the poker night and also the Big Buddy challenge of the day.
JOKER… why so serious !!!??? its only poker.. if i dont won next time i will get very very angry
Some people prefer to use the pizza as a hat rather than eating it.. come on what a waste !!??
Also due to the facebook rape earlier in this week of on of the Candidates random pictures of the guilty person has showed op around crystal. Any marketing is good marketing so bring it on see Robin on his tour around Crystal. However chili in the regulator is not very nice !! Revenge is best served cold… don’t forget that
The next Big buddy challenge was the following day when we had a open water diver workshop in Sanur chanel. After the Open water workshop were the candidates learned how to control an Open water dive during an open water course and how to conduct some of the most challenging skills such as 5 point descent with a large group, CESA, and fin pivot in case of abit of a current .
After the work shop we had nearly 1 hour to do a Dive against Debris for project aware to collect and report all the rubbish we found. We collected 154 items to a total weight of 12kg from the dive site Sanur Chanel. And the team that collected the most was Minni lovers so they won that challenge. There was another challenge in the same day which was who ever found the most strange item. The most strange and valuable item was a Tank boot, and that was also the Minni lovers who found so they won 2 challenges in 1 day.
This means that Minni lovers are now 1 challenge ahead of the AA team also the Minni lovers are ahead of AA team in the Most likes on Facebook challenge.
Finally it was time for a well deserved day of and what better way to celebrate that than having a heavy night out. It was a great night with lots of good drinks and lots of dancing on stages, dance floors More in details exactly what happens is something you will have to ask the candidates.
Today on the 22/11 we were all rested out and ready for more learning. The candidates started of the day with General standards and procedures EXAMS… huhuhu BUT they all did great then it was time for some Equipment sales and Con ed sales workshop and pool session again.
IDC in Bali, Letfovers, Purple high heels, and popcorn Cravings, The Big Buddy House
Day 3 of the IDC and we getting further into the curriculum and one step closer to the crowing the winning team of the the Big buddy house challenge. For those who Missed sign up for this IDC really missed out on a great time. Just seeing the Staff instructor Robin being the contact of the day in The Purple high heals should be reason enough that being here is a must. So if you missed sign up for this IDC don’t miss the next who starts in Jan 15th
Minni Lovers started of the day winning the first secret challenge that PLatinum Course director Minni Vangsgaard had planned. Basically the Minni Lovers had the highest presentation score on their first presentation. WELL DONE !!!!
The day continued with Some RDP theory some back to basic information and some more complicated things such as M value, half times. Talking about half times after that it was time for lunch. I think already after 3 days the lunch is very appreciated since some already starts craving for it before the days starts and once its served any leftovers can be handed to J……
If you want to be able to change peoples life’s by teaching them to dive you need to know your skills. And their critical attributes so that was next on the schedule and for some reason Julien was a magnet everyone had to sit in front or next to sometimes even on top of him…. Come on give the CD and staff instructors a break if we can see him we can score him ….. hmmm or maybe was that a plan? Also we wnt onto tying knots and using lift bag in the pool BUT some where some how something went horribly wrong. One of the candidates was tied up together with weight belts and lift bags SMBs was the briefing that unclear?
The Big Buddy challenge of the day was a Treasure hunt for equipment, the candidate teams had to find a set of equipment eac based on clues given. 1 at the time until they found them all and then get in the water and get down to the bottom. One of the most funny part of this challenge was when the candidates had to run out to the bar and get an assignment from the bar tender that they had to finish before they could get the next piece of equipment. That included finishing a Smirnof ICE and eat 2 bowls of popcorn as fast as possible. Woooow we must have given them to little lunch based on how hungry they looked see for yourself.
FINALLY they had “ALL” their equipment they thought…. However somethings was not quite as completed as they thought. You know when you sometimes get frustrated that it takes long to gear up and get into the water once you reach a dive site? Today that was not the case a good guess is that the equipment setup and the gearing up took around 30 seconds. But there was another problem they forgot to make a weight check which meant that the to teams hit the water almost at the same time but none of them managed to go down to the bottom which was the finish line for the competition. Also there where a few things missing or wrongly “found”. Which ended up with that the Judges called it a FAIL so no one won the challenge it w a tie 0-0. Well done J
Day 4 of the IDC kicked off with a presentation on how to teach students in Confined water and a short marketing session. Referring back to the last post regarding being “Fraped” (facebook raped). There is revenge in the AIR something’s been going on throughout the whole day but nothing has been said how and whats been done to revenge but it has been done.. stay tuned to find out what.
Time for another great lunch in Bali at Crystal divers restaurant which everyone was looking forward to some more than others, and the leftovers was well taken care of from one of the candidates, no names but …… took care of them again. And dont forget the deserts of the day.
Time for some pool work again today they had to present their first Pool presentations all from the open water course. And you can tell these candidates are dedicated, Justine was assigned to swim very fast on the UW swim skill and she swam o yes she swam so fast no one could really see what happened but she snapped the fin and got crap and had a laugh attack.
The big Buddy challenge continued with another competition between the 2 teams today it was all about WILL POWER and breath holding. What team can get the furthest under water added all the lanes together. 4 persons per team and the wining team walked away winning after swimming a total 11 laps as a team WELL DONE. AA Team is dominating the challenges so far. Minni Lovers pick it up !!
New candidates New IDC and a new GoPro challenge has been accepted !!!
Do you remember the the first day of your you open water ???
well i am sure the IDC candidates has flashbacks after the first day on the IDC here at Crystal.
13 November at 09.00, 8 determined Divemasters took on the GoPro challenge and started their IDC to become PADI Open water scuba instructors. they have 16 days of IDC and e days of Instructor Examinations and 2 days of Emergency first response instructor training in from of them. xam, will i be able to demonstrate the skills, is the Teacher going to like me ???? So many questions and spinning around in you head. Divers. its almost the same they know they are in for something new and something that will change their lives forever. can i do this, am i gonna be good at this, will i pass the IE, is the teacher going to like me, is the Examiner going to like me, will i be able to demonstrate the skills good enough, will people listen to my presentation, how to do the presentations, what if i fail the standard exams, what if, what if, what if, what if ?????
First Day, Orientation presentation and we got to know who they were and its a real mix between previous pilots, previous media producers, social media geniuses, dive center manager, Bar manager etc… So we had lots of fun and lots of great Ideas but i think we all agreed that a fun game in the pool at the end of the day was great to loosen up and get to know everyone abit better. The candidate have a ”big brother” theme though out the IDc but they have renamed it ”The Big Buddy” house. and it has lots of challenges and lots of games and they have two teams cometing towards each other. AA Team and Minni lovers. May the best team win, however i am sure by the end of the IDC and the IE, EVERYONE will be winners or at least INSTRUCTORS maybe both.
Day 2 of the Nov IDC and already people seems to be more relaxed i believe most of the nervousness went away after the first day. Lesson learn from the first day of the IDC was also NEVER leave your Facebook open you might get “FRAPED”. Now it is pure determination and focus on the daily tasks assigned and tomorrow on day 3 their first class room presentations will be done . But today we started with some test exams on the 5 dive theories and the only noise in the classroom was the BEEP from the eRDP ML. pheeww scary first exams right ?
Next up on the schedule was the to learn our candidates to Dive for the “first time ever” start diving and DSD workshop and we found out we had candidates that actually should have joined the Seal team instead of the Discover scuba diving workshop, clearly someone had a very short attention span.
Then we had another BIG BUDDY HOUSE challenge of the day. Today the two teams AA Team and the Minni lovers had a hard and tough Pool volleyball match after winning first set AA Team looked strong but the Minni lovers made a comeback and gain in and won a set which made the game very competitive and fun to watch, we even had to have a time out for some pep talk and strategies. Finally AA team won the second consecutive challenge. Minni Lovers we still know you will make a glorious comeback maybe tomorrow ?